
伺服器時間[ | ]

每日重置時間在太平洋標準時間 (PST) 0點,台灣時間(GMT+8) 16點。重置的項目包含:

體力[ | ]


每 5 分鐘會自動回復 1 體力體力的最大值是你的 Rank 等級 +10。





數值[ | ]

另參見: 公式設定
數值 效果
ATK (攻擊) 增加物理傷害
MAG (魔力) 增加魔法傷害。小幅度增加治癒量
DEF (防禦) 增加物理防禦
SPR (精神) 增加魔法防禦。大幅度增加治癒量


經驗[ | ]



覺醒[ | ]

角色在達到最高等級後可以覺醒到更高的稀有度。 這個過程需要Gil(遊戲幣)和各角色不同的素材。 每個角色可到達的最大稀有度不盡相同,在遊戲中也看不出來。 檢查角色列表來查看所有單位的最大稀有度。

一旦覺醒後,該角色將從1級再次開始,但這個時候有更高的相對狀態數值,更高的最大級別和更多的能力可以習得。 請注意角色覺醒後是不能再回到更低的層級。

稀有度 最大等級
1★ 15
2★ 30
3★ 40
4★ 60
5★ 80
6★ 100
7★ 120

信賴度[ | ]



  • 每通過一個關卡(包含探索、夾縫、特殊任務)有10%的機率提昇0.1%的信賴度。
  • 強化兵員時,點選相同兵員進行合成,會增加5%信賴度。相同兵員不同星等也會增加。
  • 合成一個 5★ 信賴度莫古利,增加一個兵員的10%信賴度。
  • 合成一個 4★ 信賴度莫古利,增加一個兵員的5%信賴度。
  • 合成一個 3★ 信賴度莫古利, 增加一個兵員的5%信賴度,但它只能跟特定兵員進行合成。


每通過一個關卡, 根據隊伍內兵員的信賴度,有機率獲得額外素材,這稱為Trust Bonus。獲得Trust Bonus的機會,是隊伍內每個兵員分開計算的,包括好友的兵員。 當該兵員信賴度50%,你有50%機會獲得 Trust Bonus。當你的兵員信賴度達到100%也會得到Trust Bonus。

強化兵員[ | ]


  • 大量經驗值
    • 金屬仙人掌為特殊兵員,不可上場戰鬥,該兵員唯一目的就是被合成,以獲得大量經驗獎勵。
    • 有時進行合成會大成功,該兵員會獲得1.5倍經驗值。
    • 有時進行合成會超成功,該兵員會獲得2倍經驗值。
  • 若與相同兵員進行合成,不管該兵員的星等,他的信賴度會增加5%。

隊長[ | ]

在隊伍中可以選擇一個兵員當作隊長。This unit will be designated as a shared unit for all of your friend list. There is no leadership feature in battle, so the term is a misnomer.

When you change your party, your leader might also change, which can be inconvenient to your friends. To make your leader static, you can go to Menu > Option and select companion party. That party's leader will always be the shared unit even if you change your party during gameplay.

好友列表[ | ]

Friend list slot can be expanded either by rank or by purchasing the expansion with Lapis. You get a maximum of 30 slots from rank 20, and you can purchase 5 slots for Lapis100, to a maximum of 100 slots. They add up together for a maximum of 130 slots.

While entering any dungeon you will be prompted to pick a friend unit from a list. If you pick a stranger unit, you will get a chance to add them once you finish the dungeon. Friend unit behave like a normal unit, but a stranger unit won't be able to use LB or evoke an esper. Once a friend is used that particular friend cannot be used again for 3 hours.

You can also add friend manually from friend menu. Search Friend allows you to add someone if you know their ID. Add Friend gives you a randomized list of people you can add as a friend.

幻獸[ | ]


You will unlock your first esper as part of the story. To gain benefits of an esper, you have to equip it to a unit, located in the units menu, just below the units themselves. The equipped unit can summon the esper in the same way you use an ability, but your summon gauge has to be full.

1% of the esper's stats as well as any abilities the esper learned is added to the equipped unit. You can level up an esper with magicites, with certain colored ones worth 1.5 times experience. Leveling up an esper gives it increasing stats and skill points. Skill points can be used to unlock skill nodes containing additional stats or abilities.

Once leveled up to a maximum level, you can fight their stronger version in the same dungeon you fought them previously. Beating them will evolve them to the next tier of rarity. Their skill tree will be expanded, and their level reset to 1. But any skill points you accumulated/spent will carry over.

競技場[ | ]


Reaching 王都格蘭謝爾特 in the story will unlock the Colosseum, which can be accessed from the home menu. The Colosseum has its own energy system called orb, which refreshes every hour to a maximum of 5, with no way to expand them. Ranking up will restore all orbs.

The Colosseum doesn't give any experience, and the monsters do not count towards any quest or trophy. Steal still works, however. The Colosseum generally has a higher tier of monsters available, so it's recommended to steal from them for their rare materials. Libra can also be used to unlock the data for the monster guide library. Also, the Colosseum gives certain rewards that cannot be obtained elsewhere, such as recipes.

To make your Colosseum party static, you can go to Menu > Option and select Colosseum party. The chosen party will always be your default Colosseum party.

FAQ[ | ]

See the How to reroll page.

Check the 基本說明 or decide from unit rankings.

Does a gacha banner labeled as "Featured Summon" increase the rate of featured summons?
No. Rate of specific units are increased if there's a drop rate boost mentioned in the banner.

Link your game to a Facebook account, and then in another device, login with Facebook from the title screen. Once linked, the Facebook account is permanently attached to the game, and you won't be able to unlink it in the future.

Will I lose my Lapis if I move my saved game to a different OS(Android/iOS)?
You will not lose your Lapis, but you will lose your access to it. Lapis is tied to the store, Apple AppStore and Google Play. When you come back to your original store, your Lapis will still be there. If you are still planning to move to a different OS, use up all of your Lapis first.


Tap and hold the unit or the monster sprite and a status effect screen will appear. You can also target your own party member from this screen by selecting target, useful for waking them up from sleep or confusion.




在土之結界塔裡的白龍是什麼? 如何擊敗它?
這白龍是異界的Boss. 擊倒它你可以獲得武器-村雨,之後便可以在試煉夾縫再次與他戰鬥。

The game's story mode is linear and can always be progressed by clicking on the "Next" town/dungeon. However, the story is incomplete and the game is always continually updated with more story content. If you have reached the part where it shows "To Be Continued", you have reached the end of current story. Check 城鎮, 主線任務, and 探索任務 pages to see the extent of the world.
