稀有度 4★ - 6★
主要功能 支援
獲得方式 稀有召喚
性別 男‎
類別 人系
No. 8085, 8086, 8087
信賴獎勵 魔術帽魔術帽



資料[ | ]

數據(未計入被動能力)[ | ]

稀有度 HP MP 攻擊 防禦 魔力 精神 攻擊數 攻擊掉落 經驗值模式
4★ 1921 111 63 62 73 77 1 8 LB 6
5★ 2497 144 82 80 95 100 1 10 LB 6
6★ 3246 187 106 104 123 130 1 12 LB 6

最高數據 (使用罐突破界限)[ | ]

稀有度 HP MP 攻擊 防禦 魔力 精神
4★ 240 40 16 16 16 16
5★ 300 50 20 20 20 20
6★ 450 75 30 30 30 30

耐性[ | ]

Fire Resistance Ice Resistance Lightning Resistance Water Resistance Wind Resistance Earth Resistance Light Resistance Dark Resistance
- - - - - - - -
Poison Resistance Blind Resistance Sleep Resistance Silence Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confuse Resistance Disease Resistance Petrification Resistance
- - - - - - - -

裝備[ | ]

Dagger Staff Rod Throwing Fist
Light Shield Hat Clothes Robe Accessory
稀有度 能力槽數 魔法等級
4★ 3 Black Magic Affinity Lvl 6, Green Magic Affinity Lvl 4
5★ 4 Black Magic Affinity Lvl 7, Green Magic Affinity Lvl 5
6★ 4 Black Magic Affinity Lvl 8, Green Magic Affinity Lvl 6

固有能力[ | ]

特殊[ | ]

稀有度 等級 圖片 名稱 效果 段數 MP
5★ 18 幻滅 幻滅 魔法攻擊1名敵人 (2x)
1 16
5★ 54 幻術 - 分身 幻術 - 分身 3回合內使1名隊員防住2次物理攻擊 - 16
6★ 5 幻術 - 駭人幻象 幻術 - 駭人幻象 降低1名敵人攻擊/魔力 (45%) 2回合
並施加混亂效果 (30%)
1 32
6★ 68 幻術 - 轉向 幻術 - 轉向 選擇1名隊員受到物理攻擊時一定機率 (100%)袒護全體隊員 (減傷30%) 2回合 - 18
6★ 86 幻術 - 幻影力量 幻術 - 幻影力量 對1名敵人發動魔法攻擊 (2x)
連續使用威力上升 (每次1x, 最多6x)
7 24
6★ 100 幻術大師 幻術大師 1回合內可以使用2次幻術系能力 - -
稀有度 等級 圖片 名稱 效果
5★ 1 消費MP吸收 消費MP吸收 吸收敵人消耗的MP
5★ 36 幻術服 幻術服 裝備帽子時提高魔力 (30%)
裝備衣服時提高精神 (30%)
5★ 80 迷惑之力 迷惑之力 提高MP/魔力 (30%)
6★ 28 幻影守護 幻影守護 戰鬥開始時使用幻影守護戰鬥開始後3回合內除自身以外的隊員受到物理攻擊時一定機率 (50%)進行反擊 (1.5x)
條件 名稱 效果 段數 MP
幻影守護 戰鬥開始後3回合內除自身以外的隊員受到物理攻擊時一定機率 (50%)進行反擊 (1.5x) 1 -

魔法[ | ]

稀有度 等級 圖片 名稱 效果 段數 MP
4★ 1 大暴雪 大暴雪 對全體敵人發動冰屬性魔法 (20x)
Chain: 覺醒混沌波動
8 20
4★ 14 大流水 大流水 對全體敵人發動水屬性魔法 (20x)
Chain: 覺醒混沌波動
8 20
4★ 32 弱化 弱化 降低一名敵人全元素屬性耐性 (100%) 4回合 - 20
4★ 48 攝魔 攝魔 魔法攻擊 (0.3x) 並吸收1名敵人的MP (30%) 1 10
5★ 72 全抗冰 全抗冰 提高全體隊員的冰屬性耐性 (60%) 4回合 - 10
5★ 72 全抗水 全抗水 提高全體隊員的水屬性耐性 (60%) 4回合 - 10
6★ 50 隕石 隕石 消耗剩下的MP並對全體敵人發動物理攻擊 (30%MP) 1 N/A

專屬能力[ | ]

圖片 名稱 效果 段數 MP
Ability 209 恐怖氣場 提高HP/MP (13%) - -
Ability 209 驚悚氣場 提高攻擊/魔力 (13%) - -

能力覺醒[ | ]

名稱 效果 段數 MP 類型 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Gil
幻術 - 駭人幻象 +1 降低1名敵人攻擊/魔力 (45%) 3回合
並施加混亂效果 (30%)
1 32 黑色 15 8 5 1 - Gil250,000
幻術 - 駭人幻象 +2 降低1名敵人攻擊/魔力 (50%) 3回合
並施加混亂效果 (30%)
1 32 黑色 23 12 8 1 - Gil250,000
幻術 - 轉向 +1 選擇1名隊員受到物理攻擊時一定機率 (100%)袒護全體隊員 (減傷30%) 2回合
提高1名隊員的防禦/精神 (50%) 2回合
- 18 防禦 15 10 8 2 1 Gil500,000
幻術 - 轉向 +2 選擇1名隊員受到物理攻擊時一定機率 (100%)袒護全體隊員 (減傷30%) 3回合
提高1名隊員的防禦/精神 (80%) 3回合
- 18 防禦 23 15 12 4 1 Gil500,000
幻術服 +1 裝備帽子時提高MP/魔力 (30%)
裝備衣服時提高精神 (30%)
- - 支援 15 8 5 1 - Gil250,000
幻術服 +2 裝備帽子時提高MP/魔力 (30%)
裝備衣服時提高HP/精神 (30%)
戰鬥中每回合自動恢復MP (5%)
- - 支援 23 12 8 2 1 Gil250,000

極限技[ | ]

稀有度 名稱 效果 段數 消耗
4★ 幻影延緩 最低 持續恢復全體隊員HP (250 HP, 8x) 3回合
持續恢復全體隊員MP (6 MP, 0.2x) 3回合
1 12 LB
最高 持續恢復全體隊員HP (600 HP, 11.5x) 3回合
持續恢復全體隊員MP (12 MP, 0.34x) 3回合
5★ 幻影延緩 最低 持續恢復全體隊員HP (330 HP, 8x) 3回合
持續恢復全體隊員MP (9 MP, 0.2x) 3回合
1 14 LB
最高 持續恢復全體隊員HP (900 HP, 12.75x) 3回合
持續恢復全體隊員MP (18 MP, 0.39x) 3回合
6★ 幻影延緩 最低 持續恢復全體隊員HP (480 HP, 8x) 3回合
持續恢復全體隊員MP (12 MP, 0.2x) 3回合
1 16 LB
最高 持續恢復全體隊員HP (1200 HP, 14x) 3回合
持續恢復全體隊員MP (24 MP, 0.44x) 3回合

覺醒素材[ | ]

5★ 6★
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Crimson Tear深紅之淚 (25)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Fury Seed鬥氣之種 (8)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Lucky Seedling幸運種子 (13)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Sacred Crystal神幻結晶 (15)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Holy Crystal神魔結晶 (8)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Divine Crystal神魔王結晶 (15)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Fairies' Writ妖精王密書 (10)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Rainbow Bloom樂園的幻虹花 (10)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Calamity Gem災禍的封神珠 (5)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Prismatic Horn神獸的極彩角 (10)

各星等[ | ]

4★ 5★ 6★
幻術師尼科爾 幻術師尼科爾 幻術師尼科爾

語錄[ | ]


4★ A military tactician for the Olderion Federation. He is the eldest of his family, the Wardens of the Waters. Though he puts his duties as a Warden first, seemingly taking his family for granted, deep down he really cares for his brother and sister. It seems his sister Luka can see down to his true clumsy nature.
5★ A military tactician for the Olderion Federation. He was given a great many books on magic as a young child, as their were high expectations of him being of the Wardens of the Waters. Raised in isolation from other children his age, he took a deep interest instead in the people he read about in books. Among these characters, he took particular interest in a legendary female warrior from an army of darkness.
6★ A military tactician for the Olderion Federation. Nichol is a gifted strategist born to the prestigious family known as the Wardens of the Waters. Although he was initially opposed to the idea of wearing a costume for Halloween, he was content with dressing up as a magician. His companions, however, have high expectations regarding his skills with the sleight of hand, as he is known for his great attention to details as a tactician.


4★ I haven't prepared any treats, but I've brought plenty of tricks.
5★ You've something for me as well? It is Halloween, I guess.
6★ I thought up a way to trick others using sleight of hand. I must teach it to the children.


5★ I'm thinking up a new trick.
Hehe, I might even be able to
quit this whole tactician thing as well.
6★ By way of the Wardens of the Waters,
allow me to show you whole new
method of magic.


4★ It might not be so bad to mess about
dressed like this from time to time.
Now, let the magic begin.
5★ It might not be so bad to mess about
dressed like this from time to time.
Now, let the magic begin.
6★ It might not be so bad to mess about
dressed like this from time to time.
Now, let the magic begin.


For me to be giving this to you means that I have truly become a master of sleight of hand.

其他資訊[ | ]


  • 可獲得自期間限定萬聖節精選召喚
  • 幻術師尼科爾是國際版專屬兵員
  • 另參見:尼科爾