稀有度 3★ - 4★
主要功能 综合攻击, 支援
性别 男‎
类别 人系
No. 109, 110
信赖奖励 [[大雷电剑]]

A warrior from a small tribe that existed long ago that was proficient in both sword and sorcery. Bedile was a stoic man who shared a vow of silence with his comrades regarding the ways of the mystic sword. As fate would have it, he later fell in love with a foreign woman he had saved and was banished from his home. His once-proud tribe now but a memory, only the legend of Bedile protecting his love until the end remains.

资料[ | ]

数据(未计入被动能力)[ | ]

稀有度 HP MP 攻击 防御 魔力 精神 攻击数 攻击掉落 经验值模式
3★ 1383 66 61 57 63 55 3 2 LB 3
4★ 1784 85 79 73 77 71 3 3 LB 3

耐性[ | ]

Fire Resistance Ice Resistance Lightning Resistance Water Resistance Wind Resistance Earth Resistance Light Resistance Dark Resistance
- - - - - - - -
Poison Resistance Blind Resistance Sleep Resistance Silence Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confuse Resistance Disease Resistance Petrification Resistance
- - - - - - - -

装备[ | ]

Short Sword Sword Long Sword
Hat Clothes Robe Accessory
稀有度 能力槽数 等级
3★ 2 White Magic Affinity Lvl 1, Black Magic Affinity Lvl 3, Green Magic Affinity Lvl 3
4★ 3 White Magic Affinity Lvl 2, Black Magic Affinity Lvl 4, Green Magic Affinity Lvl 4

固有能力[ | ]

特殊[ | ]

稀有度 等级 图片 名称 效果 MP
3★ 1 Thunder Blade 雷电剑 对1名敌人发动雷属性综合攻击 (1.8x) 3
3★ 23 Bio Blade 毒化剑 对1名敌人发动暗属性综合攻击 (1.8x) 并使之中毒(30%) 3
4★ 53 Thundara Blade 中雷电剑 对1名敌人发动雷属性综合攻击 (2.1x) 7

魔法[ | ]

稀有度 等级 图片 名称 效果 MP
3★ 35 Deshell 弱心 降低一名敌人精神数值(20%)3回合 4
4★ 26 Deprotect 弱守 降低1名敌人防御的数值(20%)3回合 4
4★ 44 Imperil 弱化 降低1名敌人全属性耐性的数值(20%)3回合 15

极限技[ | ]

稀有度 名称 效果
3★ 雷鸣剑 最低: 对1名敌人发动雷属性综合攻击(2x)
最高: 对1名敌人发动雷属性综合攻击(2.45x)
4★ 天鼓雷音 最低: 对1名敌人发动雷属性综合攻击(2.2x)
最高: 对1名敌人发动雷属性综合攻击(2.9x)

觉醒[ | ]

稀有度 素材1 素材2 素材3 素材4 素材5
4★ 知识之珠知识之珠 (20) 魔幻结晶魔幻结晶 (10) 燐光之角燐光之角 (8) 时空教典时空教典 (3) 神幻结晶神幻结晶 (3)

各阶段[ | ]

3★ 4★
贝迪尔 贝迪尔

背景故事[ | ]

3★ A warrior from a small tribe that existed long ago that was proficient in both sword and sorcery. Bedile was a stoic man who shared a vow of silence with his comrades regarding the ways of the mystic sword. As fate would have it, he later fell in love with a foreign woman he had saved and was banished from his home. His once-proud tribe now but a memory, only the legend of Bedile protecting his love until the end remains.
4★ A warrior who mastered sorcery and the sword. Bedile broke the vow of silence that granted him heightened spiritual powers, and was banished from his home after breaking his tribe's law against mingling with outsiders. He eventually took his foreign love as his wife, and protected the family they had built together till the end of his days.

备注[ | ]


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