- 效果:目標會無法動彈
- 時間:持續3回合或結束回合前(戰鬥後不會常駐)
治療麻痺[ | ]
結束回合, Angelic Mercy, Celestial Healing, Dance of Life, Dark Prayer, Divine Healing, Esuna, Faram's Light, Goddess's Miracle, Guardian Mog, Healing Prayer, Healing Waltz, Knight's Pride, Loving Heart, Oracle of Dreams, Paralyna, Priestess Miracle, Ray of Hope, Recovery, Remedy, Return, Secret Rebirth, Unicorn Horn.
具有麻痺效果[ | ]
Almagest, Binding Cold, Black Hole, Blade Bash, Caltrops, Cursed Card, Dance of Death, Distress, Double Corruption, Eblan's Technique, Fire Flask, Flying Arrow, Grand Cross, Hell Shaft, Hex Strike, Insult to Injury, Kaiser Ziel, Maiming Shot, Mystify, Ray of Hope, Sadistic Spikes, Shadowbind, Speed Arrow, Weapon Bash. Can also be inflicted by Chain Whip, Leather Whip, Shock Whip, Venomous Edge.
使麻痺無效化[ | ]
Assassin's Vest, Attentive Spirit, Cleansing Flames, Discernment, Friendship, Goddess's Protection, Jeweled Ring, Justice Guard, Kazus Pendant, Revoke, Ribbon, Ur Pendant.
增加耐性[ | ]
- 兔腳 (+7%)