稀有度 4★ - 6★
主要功能 支援
獲得方式 稀有召喚
期間限定 不是
國際版原創 不是
性別 女‎
類別 人系
No. 943, 944, 945
信賴獎勵 天女的豎琴天女的豎琴
數據:魔力+26、精神+102HP +20%



資料[ | ]

數據(未計入被動能力)[ | ]

稀有度 HP MP 攻擊 防禦 魔力 精神 攻擊數 攻擊掉落 經驗值模式
4★ 1886 100 63 71 71 84 1 8 LB 6
5★ 2452 130 83 93 93 110 1 10 LB 6
6★ 3188 169 109 122 121 144 1 12 LB 6

最高數據 (使用罐突破界限)[ | ]

稀有度 HP MP 攻擊 防禦 魔力 精神
4★ 210 35 14 14 14 18
5★ 240 40 16 16 16 24
6★ 390 65 26 26 26 34

耐性[ | ]

Fire Resistance Ice Resistance Lightning Resistance Water Resistance Wind Resistance Earth Resistance Light Resistance Dark Resistance
- - - - - - - -
Poison Resistance Blind Resistance Sleep Resistance Silence Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confuse Resistance Disease Resistance Petrification Resistance
- - - - - - - -

裝備[ | ]

Dagger Staff Rod Harp
Hat Clothes Robe Accessory
稀有度 能力槽數 魔法等級
4★ 3 White Magic Affinity Lvl 4, Green Magic Affinity Lvl 4
5★ 4 White Magic Affinity Lvl 5, Green Magic Affinity Lvl 5
6★ 4 White Magic Affinity Lvl 6, Green Magic Affinity Lvl 6

固有能力[ | ]

特殊[ | ]

稀有度 等級 圖片 名稱 效果 段數 MP
4★ 1 調查 調查 查看一名敵人的情報 - 1
4★ 1 隱遁 隱遁 脫離戰鬥3-5回合 - 0
4★ 41 Pacify 安撫 解除1名敵人的狀態效果 - 7
5★ 1 誘惑之歌 誘惑之歌 對全體敵人施加混亂效果(30%) - 8
5★ 1 遁逃 遁逃 從戰鬥中逃脫(部份敵人除外) - 4
5★ 1 託付 託付 消耗自身極限技槽恢復隊員極限技槽 - 18
5★ 29 Healing Cantilena 治癒之樂 歌唱期間恢復全體隊員HP (960 HP, 6.7x) 3回合
歌唱期間恢復全體隊員MP (12 MP, 0.32x) 3回合
- 30
5★ 80 Charming Warm-up 魅惑的發聲練習 2回合內可以使用: 勇將的武勳詩
自身減傷 (30%) 1回合
- 12
6★ 57 Passionate Bullet 熱情子彈 提高全體隊員極限技石獲取量 (200%) 3回合 - 21
6★ 100 稱讚的勞達 稱讚的勞達 歌唱期間提高全體隊員攻擊/防禦/魔力/精神 (65%) 3回合 - 36
稀有度 等級 圖片 名稱 效果
4★ 18 精神 +20% 精神 +20% 提高精神 (20%)
4★ 60 Nomad Poet 流浪的詩人 在探索中移動時每4步恢復自身HP (100) /MP (8)
6★ 1 Petalfall Lover 喜愛雪花的人 提高土、風屬性耐性 (15%)
6★ 75 Instrumental Knowledge 樂器的知識 裝備樂器時提高HP/防禦 (20%)
條件 名稱 效果 段數 MP
勇將的武勳詩 歌唱期間提高全體隊員攻擊/防禦/魔力/精神 (80%) 3回合
歌唱期間恢復全體隊員HP (920 HP, 6.4x) 3回合
歌唱期間恢復全體隊員MP (16 MP, 0.4x) 3回合
提高全體隊員極限技石獲取量 (150%) 3回合
- 20

能力覺醒[ | ]

名稱 效果 段數 MP 類型 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Gil
樂器的知識 +1 裝備樂器時提高HP/防禦/精神 (30%) - - 支援 15 8 5 1 - Gil120,000
樂器的知識 +2 裝備樂器時提高HP/防禦/精神 (50%) - - 支援 23 12 8 2 - Gil120,000
稱讚的勞達 +1 歌唱期間提高全體隊員攻擊/防禦/魔力/精神 (85%) 3回合 - 36 白色 15 8 5 1 - Gil250,000
稱讚的勞達 +2 歌唱期間提高全體隊員攻擊/防禦/魔力/精神 (110%) 3回合 - 36 白色 23 12 8 2 1 Gil250,000
魅惑的發聲練習 +1 2回合內可以使用: 勇將的武勳詩 +1
自身減傷 (30%) 1回合
- 12 治療 10 8 3 - - Gil120,000
魅惑的發聲練習 +2 2回合內可以使用: 勇將的武勳詩 +2
自身減傷 (30%) 1回合
- 12 治療 15 12 5 1 - Gil120,000
勇將的武勳詩 +1 歌唱期間提高全體隊員攻擊/防禦/魔力/精神 (105%) 3回合
歌唱期間恢復全體隊員HP (920 HP, 6.4x) 3回合
歌唱期間恢復全體隊員MP (16 MP, 0.4x) 3回合
提高全體隊員極限技石獲取量 (150%) 3回合
- 20 via 魅惑的發聲練習 +1
勇將的武勳詩 +2 歌唱期間提高全體隊員攻擊/防禦/魔力/精神 (130%) 3回合
歌唱期間恢復全體隊員HP (920 HP, 6.4x) 3回合
歌唱期間恢復全體隊員MP (16 MP, 0.4x) 3回合
提高全體隊員極限技石獲取量 (150%) 3回合
- 20 via 魅惑的發聲練習 +2

極限技[ | ]

稀有度 名稱 效果 段數 消耗
4★ 某個青年的旅程 最低 恢復全體隊員HP (34%) / MP (29%) - 12 LB
最高 恢復全體隊員HP (48%) / MP (43%)
5★ 某個青年的旅程 最低 恢復全體隊員HP (35%) / MP (30%) - 16 LB
最高 恢復全體隊員HP (54%) / MP (49%)
6★ 某個青年的旅程 最低 恢復全體隊員HP (36%) / MP (31%) - 20 LB
最高 恢復全體隊員HP (60%) / MP (55%)

覺醒素材[ | ]

5★ 6★
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Rainbow Needle七色針 (25)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Earth's Core大地凝晶 (13)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Sacred Crystal神幻結晶 (15)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Esper's Tear幻獸之淚 (8)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Holy Crystal神魔結晶 (8)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Rainbow Bloom樂園的幻虹花 (20)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Fairies' Writ妖精王密書 (10)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Prismatic Horn神獸的極彩角 (10)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Calamity Writ終焉的預言書 (5)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Divine Crystal神魔王結晶 (5)

各星等[ | ]

4★ 5★ 6★
魯米努依 魯米努依 魯米努依

語錄[ | ]


4★ 『魯米努依』是一位浪跡天涯,用銀鈴般的聲音歌頌古今東西各種故事的吟遊詩人。她那自由且堂堂正正的樣子,總是會吸引很多人。她的搭檔魯西爾是剛開始旅程時僱傭的護衛,之後就再也沒分開過。
5★ A wandering bard who sings tunes full of epic tales. The stories in Ryumynui's songs stem from the books stored in the shelves of her noble estate located far, far away. She gained the urge to share the stories she had learned with others after devouring book after book, and her outgoing personality lead her to set off on a journey to do so. Lucille, the first escort she met as she was departing, became her partner and now accompanies her throughout the rest of her travels.
6★ A bard who is always in an excellent mood. Ryumynui has the ability to catch the attention of others with her carefree and radiant appearance. Her repertoire of songs consists of pieces based on historical fact that she has composed herself, which she then performs for Lucille once they have been completed. Although Lucille's reaction to the songs is always quite underwhelming, this is enough to satisfy Ryumynui with her work.


4★ Oh, what a strange thing to do,
thrusting someone like me
into battle!
5★ It seems like you want
to see me in action, right?
I'll do my very best.
6★ I'm feeling great,
my voice is in top shape, and all.
Allow me to sing a song for you!


5★ Perhaps you know what happened?
My body is overflowing with light!
6★ Perhaps it wouldn't be bad for me to play the lead part in this little story, don't you think?


4★ Nice to meet you, interesting stranger.
I wonder what sort of tale I should ask to hear of you?
5★ Nice to meet you, interesting stranger.
I wonder what sort of tale I should ask to hear of you?
6★ Nice to meet you, interesting stranger.
I wonder what sort of tale I should ask to hear of you?


The love and bravery filled days we spent adventuring... This song still can't be completed. Please, let me hear the rest of it!

評價[ | ]

備註[ | ]


  • She is available as a Guest Unit in the Story Event, The Ballad of Grandshelt.